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作者: 发布时间: 2022-09-12 06:09:55












考查形式:考官将所有进入Assesment Day的所有考生分为三大组,再将每大组分为每3个候选人一小组进行小组环节讨论。考官会随机抽取目的地城市题或创意用法题来考察。



部分目的地城市参考:Cape Town,Paris, London,Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires,Colombo,Kuala Lumpur,Bangkok, Singapore, Seoul, Sydney, Auckland, Venice, Barcelona, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Frankfurt,Maldives and so on.



部分物品参考:lipstick, alarm clock, towels, high heels, candy, tree, starfish, toothbrush, balloon, coffee beans, goggles, vanilla, hats, socks, chair, flashlight, tomato, umbrella, paper bag, gum, pillow, rose, water bottle, slipper, shell.








考察形式:考官先给两张关于EK Grooming的纸让大家传阅,同时一个一个去摸高,询问是否有疤痕及纹身,如有纹身请诚实示意给考官看,考官会在纸上记录后让你继续回坐进行小组讨论。此环节一般为10-12个候选人一组,考官给出问题,由候选人进行小组讨论。这一轮考官不会扮演游客做Role Play,但是会让组员自己总结一下解决方法。


eg:If you are the manager of the aquarium,how will you deal with these situations below? (15 minutes)

1.A guest took a ticket which was five days overdue,but he still want to use it.

2.Because of bad weather,outdoor dolphin show was cancelled,but the visitors still want to see this show.

3.An adult only can take three children according to the rule, but there was a tourist took four children.

4.A visitor complained that the staff was rude to his children.

5.A guest said she bought the belt meal coupon ticket, but now she couldn't find it.

6.There was a mother took her child to see a dolphin show,but the child isn't tall enough to catch the standard.


eg:If you are the manager of a department store,how will you deal with these situations bellow? (15 minutes)

1.A customer’s mobile phone was out of control, he asked you to change a new mobile phone for him, it can't be acceptted to repair, and it had been used for 2 months.

2.A customer bought sofa cleaning supplies in this department store, then he found the sofa was damaged after using the product to clean the sofa stains, customer required the department store to pay for the full payment of sofa.

3.There is a children park in the mall, a female customer felt tired and let her one-year-old child play in the children park, but according to the regulation the park only open to the children who is over one and a half years old. But this female customer insisted in doing this.

4.In the toy store, a child’s parents wanted to buy a set of toy, but there was only one left and it had been booked by another customer.

5.An old lady used expired coupons for shopping, when she found the expired coupons could not be used, she felt very depressed.





【酒店题型①】There is a malfunction of the hotel system, ten rooms are available on the system, but actually there are only two can be used.And ten customers have ordered the room before, if you are the manager, you can only arrange rooms for two of them,which two customers will you choose, and how will you deal with the other eight customers?

1. a star

2. the daughter of a millionaire

3. the politician

4. a reporter

5. newlyweds

6. the wheelchair guest

7. a writer

8. an elder couple

9. a businessman who has a meeting at the hotel

10. the hotel staff

【酒店题型②】There is a malfunction of the hotel system, eight rooms are available on the system, but actually there are only two can be used.And the eight customers have ordered the room before, if you are the manager, you can only arrange rooms for two of them,which two customers will you choose, and how will you deal with the other six customers?

1. a valued customer booking monthly

2. the honeymoon couple

3. a party girl

4. the manager of the hotel chain

5. travel magazine editor

6. politician who has a meeting next day

7. a family with infant needs to do the body check tomorrow

8. a woman whose room is leaking

【游轮题型】If there are eight customers who book the cruise ship, but due to system fault, there are only two chances(this cruise ship is the last one of this season and there is no cruise ship of other company).If you are the company staff ,which two customers will you give the chance,and why?

1.a star who wants to have a party

2.an old man's birthday party and his son booked the ticket for him

3. official of Tourist Administration

4.the loyal customer

5.travel agent

6.the travel magazine editor who wants to write a report about the ship


8.the staff of the cruise ship

【租车题型】There is a car rental company, only two cars can be used at this time, but now there are five customers at the reception desk, they are:

1.a star need to go for a concert

2.a family of five rushing to attend a wedding

3.student who has an exam 2 hours later

4.a pregnant woman who has a routine inspection

5.company staff

6.a businessman who has a meeting

If you are the staff of this company, which two customers will you rent the car to them?








Final Day of Emirates 阿联酋航空终选环节

阿联酋航空的Final环节也是由阿联酋考官负责。通过Assesment Day的候选人才有资格被邀请参加Final。




外派:政策规定,外航须通过人才中介机构FASCO来雇佣中国籍雇员。所以,你的合同是直接跟FASCO签的,然后FASCO以派遣中国籍雇员的形式把你派遣到应聘的这家航空公司去工作, 工资和社保等由FASCO协助办理。



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