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作者:admin 发布时间: 2023-04-16 14:42:01

简介:】一、关于航空的英语作文?Any individual in China will be deeply impressed by the scene portrayed in the picture,which is immensely exciting and spectacular.This vi


Any individual in China will be deeply impressed by the scene portrayed in the picture,which is immensely exciting and spectacular.This vivid drawing symbolizes the progress of our science and technology,and especially the achievements of our space exploration.We conquered the space,and the conquest represents a visible proof of our nation's strength and prosperity.

The advances of our space technology will be of great benefit to us in the long run.Thanks to communications satellites,we can see television pictures transmitted live half-way across the globe.


Aviation rocket, also known as aviation rocket, consists of fuze, warhead, rocket engine and stabilizing device, etc.

It is a guided or unguided rocket weapon which is launched by carrier aircraft in the air and attacks targets in the air or on the ground or on the sea surface.

It is mainly launched from the launcher hanging under the fuselage or wing. Generally, the projectile body is relatively small and the launcher is streamlined.

The range of an aviation rocket is generally 7 ~ 10 kilometers, and the maximum speed is m2 ~ 3. According to the purpose, it can be divided into air-to-air rockets, air-to-ground rockets and air-to-air rockets.


1. Good morning.早晨好。Welcome to China欢迎来中国。Good-bye. Have a time.再见,祝您旅途愉快

2. Good morning. What can I do for you ?早晨好,能帮您什麽忙?Please wait a moment请稍等。

3. Please come in.请进。Please have a look请看看。Please sit down.请坐。This way please.请走这边。

4. Thank you for your cooperation感谢您合作。Never mind.不用谢。

5. Would you please back off a little?请向后退一下。Please be in order, one by one.请按顺序,一个接一个。











Looking from a distance, the farmland in my hometown is lush and growing well.A gust of wind blowing, wheat waves slightly nodded.


Most people have a long cherished wish to become rich overnight. The purpose of buying lottery tickets is to realize their colorful dreams by buying lottery tickets. Some people donate the money in lottery tickets to charity organizations.

There are certain risks in buying lottery tickets. People should never expect to make big money by buying lottery tickets. Lottery tickets are in a way similar to gambling, so people should not spend too much money and energy on them.

In short, lottery addiction will have a negative impact on our lives, people should keep a clear mind when buying lottery tickets.


Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV), mainly due to fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, oil, liver and liver dysfunction. Some cases had fever and jaundice; In a few cases, the course of the disease was prolonged and became chronic, or developed into liver cirrhosis or even liver cancer; Severe hepatitis can develop into severe hepatitis; Others became asymptomatic carriers.


Spring festival is coming.Before spring festival I'm going to go shopping and buy new clothes. I'm going to buy flowers. I'm going to clean my house.And I am going to see a film with my parents. I hope I can get lots of lucky money. I will lead a healthy lifestyle by balancing work and leisure, exercising regularly and keeping a healthy diet . I will spend more time with my families and friends. I will share with them my joys and tears and give them a hand when they need help.I think this spring festival will very happy!what about you?中文意思;在春节来临之前,我要去购物,买新衣服。






我要把欢笑与泪水他们,给他们一把当他们需要帮助。 我想这春节会很开心!你呢?


I Love My Country I am born in China, it is a great country, it has more than 5,000 years’ history, I am so proud of my country. China has the world’s largest population, our culture is profound and owns variety, every time when I talk about Chinese culture to the foreign people, they speak highly of Chinese culture. I love China so much.


 My home in a beautiful house, my house is the area on the seven floor, there are four bright room, two large living room, my spacious room next to my own bathroom, kitchen, living room in the downstairs, there is a beautiful garden, the garden have all kinds of beautiful flowers, small there are many children and the elderly living, our community is a harmonious community!  我家在一个美丽的小区里,我家是小区在七楼,有四个明亮的房间,两个大大的客厅,我宽敞的房间旁边有个我自己的浴室,客厅在厨房不远处,我家楼下有个漂亮的花园,花园里有各种好看的花,小区里有许多孩子和老人居住,我们的小区是一个和谐的小区!

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