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英语翻译 『钱学人,浙江杭州人,出生地:上海,著名科学家、物理学家、火 ...

作者:Anita 发布时间: 2022-12-03 04:19:44

简介:】'Qian Xueren, Zhejiang native of Hangzhou, place of birth: Shanghai, the renowned scientist, the physicist, the rocket expert, in 1934 graduated from the Jiaoto

'Qian Xueren, Zhejiang native of Hangzhou, place of birth: Shanghai, the renowned scientist, the physicist, the rocket expert, in 1934 graduated from the Jiaotong University mechanical engineering department, in 1938 obtained the doctorate'


two scientists from the United States and Italy
two scientists respectively from the United States and Italy


科学家的英文:scientist数学家的英文:mathematician词汇解析:1、scientist英文发音:[ˈsaɪəntɪst]中文释义:n.科学家例句:He is routinely described as the greatest scientist since Einstein.他通常被认为是继爱因斯坦之后最伟大的科学家。2、mathematician英文发音: [ˌmæθəməˈtɪʃn]中文释义:n.数学家例句:Noncommuting objects are as real to the mathematician as commuting objects.对于数学家来说,不可交换的对象与可交换的对象是一样真实的。扩展资料scientist的同根词:1、scientific英文发音:[saɪən'tɪfɪk]中文释义:adj. 科学的,系统的例句:It's not a scientific way to test their opinions.这样检验他们的观点不是一个科学的方式。2、science英文发音:['saɪəns]中文释义:n. 科学;技术;学科;理科例句:The best discoveries in science are very simple.科学上最好的发现都是非常简单的。

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