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作者: 发布时间: 2022-10-14 10:09:35

1、皇马队服前的“Fly Emirates”是什么意思?





皇马队服前的“Fly Emirates”是什么意思?

FLYEMIRATES是阿联酋航空公司,因为是阿联酋航空公司赞助,所以皇马队服前有“Fly Emirates”。


又称为阿拉伯联合酋长国航空公司,成立于1985年5月25日。1985年11月,阿联酋航空的第一架飞机飞上蓝天。阿联酋航空公司由迪拜酋长国政府拥有,总部设于迪拜,以迪拜国际机场为基地,其母公司称为阿联酋航空集团(The Emirates Group);提供金卡、银卡和蓝卡三种会员等级。阿联酋航空公司成立之初,向政府贷款1000万美元启动公司业务,只有2架租来的飞机和3条航线。阿联酋航空订购的空客A380飞机总数达到140架,截止至2013年11月17日,已接收39架A380。2015年7月,阿联酋航空位列“全球十佳航空”榜单第二位。




The United Arab Emirates


阿联酋大学 United Arab Emirates University

阿联酋航运 Emirates Shipping Line

阿联酋电信 Emirates Telecommunications


1. Boeing . advanced 1.9 percent after winning a $ 9.1 billion order from Emirates.


2. Our products have been shipped to U.S.A. 、 Canada 、 The United Kingdom 、 Spain 、 South Africa 、 Kenya 、 UAE 、 Korea etc.


3. Iraq , Qatar , Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, UAE and Yemen cannot enter Israel.

沙特阿拉伯, 叙利亚, 突尼斯, 阿联酋和也门,都不能进入以色列.

4. The oil - rich UAE began auctioning off vanity license plates last May.


5. Are you in a regulated market, like Oman or UAE?

您所处的是像阿曼或阿联酋那样管控有序的市场 吗 ?

6. After the filing the application the Trademark Office will examine thethe application.


7. Already , the U . A . E . has frozen prices for bread, rice and other staples.

阿联酋已经冻结了面包 、 大米等主要食品的价格.

8. More recent events have made the issue even more sensitive for UAE.


9. The UAE , in particular, seems keen on this sort of novelty.

特别是阿联酋, 似乎很热衷于这件新事物.

10. A . E . port, then on to Saudi Arabia, ship.

油轮 报告 称将前往阿联酋的另一个港口, 然后去往沙特.

11. In just a few years, contemporary - art galleries have multiplied in the emirates.

在仅仅几年时间里, 在阿联酋时代艺术走廊成倍增长.

12. In the UAE, you can buy bars direct from a vending machine.

在阿联酋, 你可以直接从一台自动贩卖机购买金条.

13. Seamless experts said the UAE market conditions reflect the situation in global trade.


14. The Gulf state wants to be able to scan mobile spectrum for terrorist and anti - state chatter.

阿联酋希望能够检查移动通信频谱,以找出恐怖分子与 反 政府分子.

15. Speculation is rife, for instance, that Qatar and Arab Emirates are about to break their pegs.

比如说,人们普遍猜测, 卡塔尔和阿联酋准备不再将本国货币与美元挂钩.


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welcome aboard this emirates airbus A380.please pay attention as we demonstrate the safety features of this aircraft.we are now preparing for takeoff. your tray table ,foot rest and personal video screen should be folded away.and your seat should be in the upright position.baggage should now be securely stowed in the overhead lockers or under the seat in front of you.please fasten your seatbelt whenever the seatbelt symbol is illuminated. adjust the belt by pulling the strap and lift the metal flat while fastening your belt.if you wish to sleep during the flight,please fasten the seatbelt over your blanket so that we will not have to disturb you.the safety reason is forbidden to use any portable electronic devices during taxing,takeoff or landing. mobile telephones and other radio equipment must remain switched off until you are told it is safe to use them by your cabin crew.smoking anywhere on this aircraft is illegal and punishable by law. all toilets are fitted with smoke detectors. if oxygen is required,masks will appear from above you.pulling the mask towards you starts the flow of oxygen.place the mask over your face and breath normally.attend to yourself first ,and then help others.in the unlikely event of an emergency landing .please adopt the brace position appropriate to your seat .there is a lifejacket under or to the side of your seat.when instructed by the crew ,remove it from the container,and pull it over your head .bring the tape around your waist and fasten in front pulling firmly to secure .only inflate your lifejacket only you are leaving the aircraft by pulling the two red toggles sharply downwards.you can also inflate or top up the lifejacket by blowing into the mouthpiece.you can use the whistle to attract attention and the light will automatically illuminate when in water .before we commence our journey,take a moment to locate the emergency exit nearest to your seat.there are six emergency exits on the upper deck of this A380 which is clearly marked in red.there are ten emergency exits on the main deck also marked in red.if required lights at floor level will direct you to the doors. to remind yourself of the safety aspects of the aircraft,please read the safety card in your seat pocket.during the flight we recommend you spend a few minutes each hour doing some simple in-seat exercises that will encourage healthy plus circulation.and ensure you drink plenty of water.your crew will now pass through the cabin carrying out a final check.enjoy your flight with emirates.

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