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作者: 发布时间: 2022-09-29 23:35:36






如何作一名合格的空姐- 空姐形象






( 1 ) .空姐在执行航班任务时化妆应以淡雅、清新、自然为宜。一些简单的化妆方法有:







( 2 ) 空姐在面部修饰时要注意卫生问题,认真保持面部的健康状况,防止由于个人不讲究卫生而使面部经常疙疙瘩瘩的或长满痤疮。

( 3 ) 注意面部局部的修饰,保持眉毛、眼角、耳部、鼻部的清洁,不要当众擤鼻滋、挖耳朵。

( 4 )注意口腔卫生,坚持刷牙、洗牙,在上飞机的前一天不吃带味的食物。

( 5 ) 注意手部的美化,手和手指甲应随时保持清洁,要养成勤洗手的好习惯,尤其在飞机上进卫生间后一定要洗后,手上要经常擦润肤霜,以保持手部的柔软,要养成经常剪指甲的好习惯,不要将指甲留得过长,给旅客一种不卫生的感觉。



如何作一名合格的空姐- 空姐职业道德


1 .首先要热爱自己的本职工作。对空姐工作的热爱不是一时的,当自己理想中的美好的空姐生活被现实辛苦的工作打破后,还能一如既往地主动、热情、周到、有礼貌、认真负责、勤勤恳恳、任劳任怨做好工作。

2 .有较强的服务理念和服务意识。在激烈的市场竞争中,服务质量的高低决定了企业是否能够生存,市场竞争的核心实际上是服务的竞争。民航企业最关心的是旅客和货主,要想在市场竞争中赢得旅客,就必须提高服务意识和服务理念。


3 .有吃苦耐劳的精神。空姐在人们的眼中是在空中飞来飞去的令人羡慕的职业,但在实际工作中却承担了人们所想不到的辛苦,飞远程航线时差的不同,飞国内航线各种旅客的不同,工作中遇到的困难和特殊情况随时都会发生,没有吃苦耐劳的精神,就承受不了工作的压力,做不好服务工作。

4 .热情开朗的性格。空姐的工作是一项与人直接打交道的工作,每天在飞机上要接触上千名旅客,所以她随时需要与旅客进行沟通,没有一个开朗的性格就无法胜任此项工作。

5 .刻苦学习业务知识。作为一名空姐,她在飞机上不仅仅是端茶送水,而是需要掌握许多的知识,比如,我们的航班今天是飞往美国,我们的空姐首先要掌握北京和美国的国家概况、人文地理、政治、经济,航线飞越的国家、城市、河流、山脉以及名胜古迹等。还要掌握飞机的设备、紧急情况的处置、飞行中的服务工作程序以及服务技巧等等。可以说,空姐上要懂天文地理、下要掌握各种服务技巧和服务理念,不但要有漂亮的外在美,也要有丰富的内在美。

6 .学会说话。语言本身代表每一个人的属性,一个人的成长环境会影响每个人的说话习惯,作为一名乘务员要学会说话的艺术。不同的服务语言往往会得出不同的服务结果。一名空姐要掌握不同的说话技巧,如:对老年旅客的说话技巧、对儿童旅客的说话技巧、对特殊旅客的说话技巧、对发脾气旅客的说话技巧、对重要旅客的说话技巧、对第一次乘飞机的旅客的说话技巧、对航班不正常时服务的说话技巧。在我们的服务中,往往由于一句话,会给我们的服务工作带来不同的结果。一句动听的语言,会给航空公司喧来很多回头客;也可能由于你一句难听的话,旅客会永远不再乘坐这家航空公司的飞机;他可能还会将他的遭遇告诉其他旅客,所以得罪了一名旅客可能相当于得罪十名或上百名旅客。例如,在一个航班上空姐为旅客提供正餐服务时,由于机上的正餐有两种热食供旅客选择,但供应到某位旅客时他所要的餐食品种刚好没有了,我们的空姐非常热心到头等舱找了一份餐送到这位旅客面前,说:“真对不起,刚好头等舱多余了一份餐我就给您送来了”。旅客一听,非常不高兴地说:“头等舱吃不了的给我吃?我也不吃。”由于不会说话,空姐的好心没有得到旅客的感谢,反而惹得旅客不高兴。如果我们的空姐这样说:“真对不起,您要的餐食刚好没有了,但请您放心我会尽量帮助您解决”。这时,你可到头等舱看看是否有多余的餐食能供旅客选用。拿到餐食后,再送到旅客面前时,你可这样说:“您看我将头等舱的餐食提供给您,希望您能喜欢,欢迎您下次再次乘坐我们航空公司的飞机,我一定首先请您选择我们的餐食品种,我将非常愿意为您服务。”同样的一份餐食,但不同的一句话,却带来了多么不同的结果。这就是说话的艺术,作为一名合格的空姐,说话真是太重要了。

如何作一名合格的空姐- 空姐专业化形象




1 .有助于提高空姐的个人素质;

2 .有助于对旅客的尊重;

3 .有助于提高航空公司的服务质量和服务水平;

4 .有助于塑造航空公司的整体形象;

5 .有助于提高企业的经济效益和社会效益。



( 1 )言谈的仪态。不论是作为言者还是听者,交谈时必须保持精神饱满,表情自然大方、和颜悦色,应目光温和,正视对方。

( 2 )话题的选择。首先要选择对方感兴趣的话题,比如与航空有关的话题,飞机飞多高,我们航班飞过的航线地标,在飞行中需注意的问题等。

( 3 )言者的表现。空姐在与旅客谈话时,语言表达应准确、语意完整、语声轻柔、语调亲切、语速适中。同时要照顾旅客的情绪和心情,不可自己滔滔不绝说个没完,也要给旅客留下说话的机会,做到互相的沟通。

( 4 )做一名耐心的听众。在与旅客谈话中,要注意耐心听取旅客的讲话,对谈话的内容要做出积极的反应,以此来表现你的诚意,如点头、微笑或简单重复旅客的谈话内容。同时恰如其份的赞美是必不可少的,它能使交谈气氛更加轻松、友好。

如何作一名合格的空姐- 空姐面试技巧


1 .新加坡航空公司面视指南

①首先准备一份中英文简历。到考场后,工作人员会发给报考人员一篇广播词(英文),经过稍微准备后,接着 5 人一组,进入主考官 , 室每人各念一段手里的广播词。考官主要是观察你的声音是否好听,口齿是否清晰,英文程度如何。




⑤第三次面试:此次有 4 位考官考察一位应试者,以聊天的方式,问一些生活问题。面试通过者到更衣室换上新航的制服,在考场走一圈,转一圈,看看体形线条是否好看,姿态是否优美。面试结束后现场会当时通知结果。

⑥游泳测验:游泳距离为 50 米 ,任何泳姿都可以,在有条件的饭店举行。

⑦茶会:分成 4 组,一组约 10 个人,酒会方式。餐桌上有茶点供全体参加面试的人员享用, 4 位主考官轮流提出问题,和大家聊天,目的在于了解你的团队精神,以及与其他人相处的能力,并要求应试者提出问题,时间大约 4 小时。结束后当时通知你是否被录取。

2 .德国汉莎航空公司面试指南







3 .国内航空公司面试指南

①航空公司面试空乘服务人员的形象要求和其他报名条件:年龄一般为 18 - 23 岁,但也有的航空公司将年龄限制在 22 岁以下。


女性身高 164 - 173cm ,男性身高 173 - 183 cm 。




听力不低于 5 米 。























Distinguished leadership of the company:


Thank you for your busy schedule in view of my cover letter for an enthusiastic young man opened a door to hope.

I am a 05 session of the Department of Computer Science and Information Management Information System students will graduate in June 2009. Since entering the university, by virtue of its solid foundation of hard work and the spirit of enterprise, after more than three years of professional study, in every respect, I have made great progress. Have a wealth of management and computer theory, and enhance their own ability.

In efforts to improve the professional at the same time, I have always pay attention to the cultivation of good character, positive progress requirements, the pursuit of the distillation of personality. I have great respect for teachers and students of unity, concerned about the management of state affairs and social development, as a volunteer to take part in various social activities, with a good spirit of teamwork and organizational ability. However, the lack of enthusiasm is not stable, self-confident but not conceited, but also forge ahead with the people live in harmony, my youngest is a true portrayal.

I sincerely hopes that you read the cover letter and curriculum vitae, to give me a chance, let me in their own wisdom, to spare no effort to your company's rapid development and make due contributions. Sincerely hope that your company has become a


Contact: E-mail: origin:

Education: Undergraduate

Professional direction: Information Management and Information System 2005.09-2009.07


School-based management, statistical theory, corporate accounting, Western economics, business management, operations research-based, financial management, management information systems, database systems, computer networks, computer and application of the principle, data structure, information management, ERP The principle and application of information systems engineering, database design and application, management, decision-making model, C + + programming, JAVA programming, C programming, software project management, and has also set up experiments on the machine, social surveys, training courses Training Practice课程.

Practice experience: Air Management System Training topics 2007.04-2007.07

Analysis of airline management process set up after the ticketing management, service management, information management of accommodation for the three modules.

Use of the SQL database, and the airlines had VB.NET management system model of development.

Fujian's Min-feng shipping practice social practice 2007.7-2007.08

In the company's practice in the maritime sector as a clerk in charge to send and receive fax, receive and marine weather forecasts record, collate documents the company files, customer reception.

Through the practice of communication skills training, management and operation of the company a certain process.

Web site planning and building of social practice since 2008.9

As the site planning, responsible for pre-planning and site preparation work.

Web site development and set realistic targets.

Experience activities: 1,2006-2007 school year as Chairman of the Department of Computer Science students.

2,2005-2008 school year as a member of the sports information management group.

3, 2006 and 2007 school year was "advanced workers" honorary title.

4,2005-2006 school year was the "third" scholarship.

5,2005-2007 joined the school basketball team and university students to participate in the National Basketball League, CUBA League.

6, joined the University during the school volleyball team in the 2006 school volleyball league title was men's volleyball tournament.

Skills: 1, familiar with the principles of computer hardware and software, computer technology research to a certain extent.

2, proficiency in the use of Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and other office software

3, has a Web site building, site optimization and site promotion and operation of the SEO process.

4, skilled in management and economic theory of the basic types of disciplines.

5, familiar with the development process, familiar with VB, C + +, JAVA, and other development tools.

Self-evaluation: I have an ideal pursuit of the people, know how to learn from failure, and their ability to fall in place begins to pick up. University experience has made me more self-learning ability, teamwork, positive attitude toward life, his generous enthusiasm, good at self-regulation, determination, good physique, a strong adaptability. Through the University Student Union and the team's training, let me in communication skills and sense of teamwork has greatly improved. With the hope that their ability to become a member of your company.

Distinguished leadership of the company:


Thank you for your busy schedule in view of my cover letter for an enthusiastic young man opened a door to hope.

I am a 05 session of the Department of Computer Science and Information Management Information System students will graduate in June 2009. Since entering the university, by virtue of its solid foundation of hard work and the spirit of enterprise, after more than three years of professional study, in every respect, I have made great progress. Have a wealth of management and computer theory, and enhance their own ability.

In efforts to improve the professional at the same time, I have always pay attention to the cultivation of good character, positive progress requirements, the pursuit of the distillation of personality. I have great respect for teachers and students of unity, concerned about the management of state affairs and social development, as a volunteer to take part in various social activities, with a good spirit of teamwork and organizational ability. However, the lack of enthusiasm is not stable, self-confident but not conceited, but also forge ahead with the people live in harmony, my youngest is a true portrayal.

I sincerely hopes that you read the cover letter and curriculum vitae, to give me a chance, let me in their own wisdom, to spare no effort to your company's rapid development and make due contributions. Sincerely hope that your company has become a


Contact: E-mail: origin:

Education: Undergraduate

Professional direction: Information Management and Information System 2005.09-2009.07


School-based management, statistical theory, corporate accounting, Western economics, business management, operations research-based, financial management, management information systems, database systems, computer networks, computer and application of the principle, data structure, information management, ERP The principle and application of information systems engineering, database design and application, management, decision-making model, C + + programming, JAVA programming, C programming, software project management, and has also set up experiments on the machine, social surveys, training courses Training Practice课程.

Practice experience: Air Management System Training topics 2007.04-2007.07

Analysis of airline management process set up after the ticketing management, service management, information management of accommodation for the three modules.

Use of the SQL database, and the airlines had VB.NET management system model of development.

Fujian's Min-feng shipping practice social practice 2007.7-2007.08

In the company's practice in the maritime sector as a clerk in charge to send and receive fax, receive and marine weather forecasts record, collate documents the company files, customer reception.

Through the practice of communication skills training, management and operation of the company a certain process.

Web site planning and building of social practice since 2008.9

As the site planning, responsible for pre-planning and site preparation work.

Web site development and set realistic targets.

Experience activities: 1,2006-2007 school year as Chairman of the Department of Computer Science students.

2,2005-2008 school year as a member of the sports information management group.

3, 2006 and 2007 school year was "advanced workers" honorary title.

4,2005-2006 school year was the "third" scholarship.

5,2005-2007 joined the school basketball team and university students to participate in the National Basketball League, CUBA League.

6, joined the University during the school volleyball team in the 2006 school volleyball league title was men's volleyball tournament.

Skills: 1, familiar with the principles of computer hardware and software, computer technology research to a certain extent.

2, proficiency in the use of Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and other office software

3, has a Web site building, site optimization and site promotion and operation of the SEO process.

4, skilled in management and economic theory of the basic types of disciplines.

5, familiar with the development process, familiar with VB, C + +, JAVA, and other development tools.

Self-evaluation: I have an ideal pursuit of the people, know how to learn from failure, and their ability to fall in place begins to pick up. University experience has made me more self-learning ability, teamwork, positive attitude toward life, his generous enthusiasm, good at self-regulation, determination, good physique, a strong adaptability. Through the University Student Union and the team's training, let me in communication skills and sense of teamwork has greatly improved. With the hope that their ability to become a member of your company.

These are some of my curriculum vitae, seek help from experts to help the English translation. (Do not use Google's the kind of direct translation). Thank! ! !

Distinguished leadership of the company: Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule in view of my cover letter for an enthusiastic young man opened a door to hope. I am a 05 session of the Department of Computer Science and Information Management Information System students will graduate in June 2009. Since entering the university, by virtue of its solid foundation of hard work and the spirit of enterprise, after more than three years of professional study, in every respect, I have made great progress. Have a wealth of management and computer theory, and enhance their own ability.

In efforts to improve the professional at the same time, I have always pay attention to the cultivation of good character, positive progress requirements, the pursuit of the distillation of personality. I have great respect for teachers and students of unity, concerned about the management of state affairs and social development, as a volunteer to take part in various social activities, with a good spirit of teamwork and organizational ability. However, the lack of enthusiasm is not stable, self-confident but not conceited, but also forge ahead with the people live in harmony, my youngest is a true portrayal.

I sincerely hopes that you read the cover letter and curriculum vitae, to give me a chance, let me in their own wisdom, to spare no effort to your company's rapid development and make due contributions. Sincerely hope that your company has become a Sincerely!

Contact: E-mail: Native Place: Education: Undergraduate professional orientation: Information Management and Information System 2005.09-2009.07 majors: school-based management, statistical theory, corporate accounting, Western economics, business management, operations research Basis, financial management, management information systems, database systems, computer networks, computer and application of the principle, data structure, information management, ERP and application of principles, information systems engineering, database design and application, management, decision-making model, C + + programming, JAVA Programming, C programming, software project management, and has also set up experiments on the machine, social surveys, training courses, such as the practice of practical training coursePractice experience: Air Management System Training 2007.04-2007.07 subject to the airline management process analysis, the establishment of a ticketing management, services management, information management space of the three modules. Use of the SQL database, and the airlines had VB.NET management system model of development. Fujian's Min-feng shipping internship 2007.7-2007.08 social practice in the company's s.practice in the maritime sector as a clerk in charge to send and receive fax, receive and marine weather forecasts record, collate documents the company files, customer reception. Through the practice of communication skills training, management and operation of the company a certain process.

Web site planning and building of social practice 2008.9 so far as the planning site, the site is responsible for pre-planning and preparatory work. Web site development and set realistic targets. Experience activities: 1,2006-2007 school year as Chairman of the Department of Computer Science students. 2,2005-2008 school year as a member of the sports information management group. 3, 2006 and 2007 school year was "advanced workers" honorary title. 4,2005-2006 school year was the "third" scholarship. 5,2005-2007 joined the school basketball team and university students to participate in the National Basketball League, CUBA League.

6, University during the school join the volleyball team, in 2006 the school was in Men's Volleyball League volleyball championship. Skills: 1, familiar with the principles of computer hardware and software, computer technology research to a certain extent. 2, proficiency in the use of Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and other office software 3, has a Web site building, site optimization and site promotion and operation of the SEO process. 4, skilled in management and economic theory of the basic types of disciplines. 5, familiar with the development process, familiar with VB, C + +, JAVA, and other development tools.

Self-evaluation: I have an ideal pursuit of the people, know how to learn from failure, and their ability to fall in place begins to pick up. University experience has made me more self-learning ability, teamwork, positive attitude toward life, his generous enthusiasm, good at self-regulation, determination, good physique, a strong adaptability. Through the University Student Union and the team's training, let me in communication skills and sense of teamwork has greatly improved. With the hope that their ability to become a member of your company.



I call XXX, this year is 19 years old!Graduating from Peking City begs a solid occupation school!Study in application English of the diplomacy college profession now!I once worked in southern airline in China and the KFC!I am a docile, enthusiasm of person!

My a fondness for listens to music, singing a song, football, basketball etc.!


(一) 个人背景简介

(1) I am twenty-three years of age and graduated from the University of Michigan of the class of 2004.


(2) I am currently a student in Hubei University and I have three month to complete before I graduate.


(3) I have excellent grades in all my subjects especially have a thorough knowledge of the English language. If you wish to look at these information it will be sent to you later.


(4) Needless to say, I will have completed a standard course in psychology before I graduate in July. In addition, I have chosen to elect all the courses available at my school in this field.


(5) I graduated from Beijing Commercial College in July of 2003.Since that time I have been taking night course in the college in Business Administration and Sale Technique


(6) I am just over twenty-four years of age and have left college about three months ago, during which time I have been striving to make myself proficient in shorthand and typewriting, and have attained a speed of ninety and seventy words a minute respectively.


(7) I am a graduate of Beijing Foreign Studies University. I won a scholarship and the first prize in speech contest in the University.


(8) I have received a good education and I have business knowledge and know the sales techniques.


(9) My English score were always on the top three of my class of sixty. I have learned to operate computer and I can type either in English or in Chinese.


(10) I am to graduate this July from Beijing Commercial College, having completed the four-year commercial course. During my summer vacation I was employed in the accounting department of a Chemical Company.


(11) I am twenty-three years old and a graduate of Beijing Foreign Studies University.


(12) I am twenty-three years old, and have been employed for the last years by Poly Technologies. INC. Aircraft Support Division, in the general clerical work of the office.


(13) I am thirty-six years of age, and have had ten years experience in my present job, which I am leaving to better myself.


(14) I am just leaving school; and twenty-two years of age. I am anxious to settle down to office work.


(15) I am twenty years old, female and have had one years experience with a company as an executive secretary.


(16) I was graduated at Beijing University, in July 2003. I am twenty seven years of age and single.


(17) I am a graduate of Beijing pholytechnics, class of 2005. For the last two years.


(18) I hold a degree in Chinese literature from Beijing University in July 2005.


(19) I was graduated from Beijing Commercial College in July 2004.

(20) I feel that I am competent to meet the requirement which you have specified. I graduated from Tokyo Commercial University, where have completed the four year course. Besides, I have had two years training in typewriting and also studied the English Language, including a year of Business English.

我相信我符合贵公司的用人要求。本人今年26岁,毕业于东京商务大学,除完成大学四年应修课程外,还曾接受过两年的打字训练并学习过一年的商业 英语

(二) 重点叙述能力

(1) I have been handling most of the secretarial work at my present company for the past three years, and I feel that I am qualified to fill your position.


(2) I have been referred to you by my major advisor at college as a source of possible assistance in finding employment in the United States. I was employed as editor on a weekly newspaper. I have considerable editorial experience and am familiar with proofreading, rewriting, and production, as well as the more creative aspects of this type of work.


(3) So I hope you will be able to help me find this sort of employment, not only because I need the money, but also because this type of job would give me an opportunity to improve my ability.


(4) For the past two years I was employed as an assistant to the chief engineer of the American Food Corporation.


(5) I should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions.


(6) I have had five years of varied experience in the book business.


(7) The companies for which I have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work I did while in their employ.


(8) In addition, I believe that my English is good enough for your needs. My typing speed is about 80 words.


(9) I have worked as a vehicle salesman for XX Co. for the past four years.


(10) Unfortunately I have had to leave my position, as my employers have been forced to liquidate their business due to the worldwide economic adversity.


(11) I have been employed as a secretary at a trading company, but I hope to have a job which offers me an opportunity for advancement


(12) I have worked as a senior clerk for the ZHONGJI International Freight Forwarding Co. Ltd. for the past two years. At present I am their chief salesman account for over one half of the sales.


(13) I worked mainly on commission and I feel that I am able to earn a substantial amount although I am very young.


(14) Should you give me a trial, I will do my utmost to afford you every satisfaction.


(15) Because I am very desirous of receiving actual experience in accounting during May and June, I am writing to inquire whether you will need the services of a young woman with two years of educational and some part-time experience.


(16) Perhaps I could fill in for one of your office staff during the vacation period.


(17) Since 2003 I have been responsible for all office details in the administration of sales. In the course of my work. I have become familiar with the various sales territories, and have also in my spare time experience of handling business problems other than my proper sphere.


(18) I am desirous of leaving the office in order to gain more experience in an exporters company. My present employer knows of my ambition and is helping me to find a new place.


(19) For the last four years I have been employed as a senior accountant by a company of import and export where the wide field of work to be covered has given me a good knowledge of accounts.

To supplement my practical knowledge, I have taken an evening course in Beijing of Post And Telecommunication. I feel that you could safely entrust a set of books to my care.


(20) I have been working as a senior clerk for China Trading Company, and I am quitting that firm in a few days.


(21) Enclosed you will please find a letter of recommendation from my present employer who likes my service very much but have to let me go, for the firm is going to be closed.


(22) While working with China Trading Company, I have a good chance to know many clients in this area. My connections built with them in the past may also enable me to get more business for your firm if you will employ me as a salesman.


(23) I am sure that these clients would equally welcome my service if I work for you.


(24) For three years I was employed as managing editor on Popsoft monthly magazine having a circulation of about 50,000. Here I did a great deal of original writing, wrote the headlines and worked directly with the printer in setting up the paper.


(25) As much as I should like to join your organization, it would not be advisable for me to do so for less than $3,000 which is my present salary.


(26) Because I believe that my sales background fits me for the position you advertised in Thursdays newspaper, I ask that you consider my qualification.


(27) My experience has included two year as salesman in the Mens Clothing Department for Dang Dai; and three years in the Mens Shop for Shi Du, where I am still employed.


(28) I am twenty-six years of age. After graduating from Beijing Foreign Studies University I took a two years business course in Beijing University. Since graduating I have worked for four years in a company, where I am at present employed.


(29) After graduating I worked as assistant editor in Middle East International, where my duties consisted chiefly of reading proof and rewriting, as well as composing lengthy articles and short item.


(30) I have had ten years of experience and am familiar with all phases of office routine by now. Enclosed you will find a copy of my resume and my photo.


(31) I work as assistant editor on a trade journal in the food field, where my tasks included a great deal of interviewing and personal contact with members of the industry.


(32) I am a good accountant and I have a good bookkeeping by double-entry.


(33) Although I have had no business experience, I am willing to work hard and learn.



Dear Sir/Madam:

I was referred to you by Mr. Zhang, a Partner with your Peking office, who informed me that the Shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire a Network Maintenance Engineer for your program.

Your position requires top university, Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows 2000 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Peking University this year with a M.S. degree. My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.

During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.

The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.



1.Skilled use of planar mechanical design software Auto CAD

2.Proficiency in the use of three-dimensional design software SolidWorks (parts, assembly, drawings, documents);

3.Skilled office software of MS office Excel, Word and other office software and making PPT courseware;


.Won the 2011 group of the year outstanding employees, and awarded a certificate of honor.

Have to

1.2010 and 2011 TTT upgrade training;

2.2010 in Shanghai to participate in the Korea Republic the first star oil limited company of engineering machinery hydraulic system training, be awarded a certificate of honor;

3.In 2011 eleventh Shanghai Japan Nabo Teske hydraulic travel motor training

4.In 2011 Japan Kawasaki hydraulic training, and obtain the examination result of the first;

5.In 2012 the United States red spot air conditioning control principle of training

The main training contents:

In 1, after sale service training theory teaching of hydraulic excavator:

Hydraulic basic knowledge: the principle of fluid mechanics, pressure transmission, flow and velocity;

Hydraulic pump: pump types, various types of pump structure and working principle, all types of pumps.

Point and fault analysis;

Control valve: the valve structure and working principle, integrated type multi-way valve internal structure;

Hydraulic motor and oil: types, component composition, working principle and fault analysis;

Hydraulic principle diagram of hydraulic components principle: symbol, Rexroth hydraulic system analysis of Japan and South Korea, such as Kawasaki hydraulic principle analysis;

In 2, after sale service training training teaching of hydraulic excavator:

Hydraulic pump: (axial plunger variable pump) and control regulator decomposition and assembly;

Travel motor: (gear type /RV reduction type article star, Rexroth, Nabo etc.) hydraulic motor and reducer decomposition and assembly;

Swing motor: manufacturers of hydraulic motor and reducer decomposition and assembly;

3, R D Master excavator hydraulic theory teaching and practice teaching of hydraulic dismounting;

4, excavator manipulator Hydraulic Teaching class;

Master the knowledge of the other:

1, excavators various electrical components working principle and electric control principle (such as start-up control, flameout control, throttle control etc.);

2, the basic structure, the engine fuel injection pump installation, valve clearance adjustment, common fault;

In 3, the excavator electric air conditioning and air conditioning components, Modine air-conditioning control principle and common fault analysis;

In addition to participate in technical training, after sale service have other work:

1, involved in writing and proofreading in-house training with the "base" one book of excavator;

In 2, served as the primary, intermediate, senior service engineer technical grade certification exam evaluation;

3, service department held after sale service technology games served as assessor.

Other work experience: 2006.11 - 2010.3

Shanghai Airlines special vehicle limited liability company post: mechanical / Hydraulic Design Engineer

Mainly engaged in engineering vehicle hydraulic and special vehicle structure design, surveying and mapping, analysis, design prototype with producer and the establishment of production process experience.

During the work in structure design and familiar with engineering vehicle hydraulic principle, according to the principle of the hydraulic from the procurement, installation, commissioning of complete hydraulic system assembly and electrical and hydraulic joint debugging; the independent design of homemade company special vehicle joint debugging of hydraulic pump station, and to this use is good without fault.

Engineering machinery and vehicle hydraulic with production experience, familiar with hydraulic soft, hard tube distribution pipe (tube type, plate type, plug-in type); GB, American Standard, the British standard pipe joint; engineering machinery hydraulic tank assembly production assembly and hydraulic accessories with etc..

Engineering machinery and vehicle hydraulic experience:

In 1, the company developed the electric sweeper hydrostatic drive hydraulic system assembly, to production, debugging;

In 2, a vertical hydraulic pump (valve manual operation);

In 3, 10T rollover type garbage transfer station hydraulic system installation and debugging, with production;

In 4, a military research institute for collecting radiation film body recovery vehicle hydraulic system installation and debugging, with production.

At the same time in the company of special engineering machinery and vehicle manufacturing process, development and design of a variety of special vehicle structure design including the military products special vehicles, the main structure design experience:

In 1, 10T environmental sanitation vehicle rollover type garbage transfer station main body structure design;

2, National Defense Research Institute for collecting radiation absorption film body recovery vehicle overall structure design (including synchronous rolling film, transfer, cutting, packaging, lateral unloading hydraulic control mechanism design);

3, Changchun Institute of Optics and fine carrier space precision instruments special instrument carrier car body steel structure design.


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