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关于航空的英语作文? 关于航空的爱情句子?

作者:admin 发布时间: 2023-08-12 15:51:24

简介:】一、关于航空的英语作文?Any individual in China will be deeply impressed by the scene portrayed in the picture,which is immensely exciting and spectacular.This vi


Any individual in China will be deeply impressed by the scene portrayed in the picture,which is immensely exciting and spectacular.This vivid drawing symbolizes the progress of our science and technology,and especially the achievements of our space exploration.We conquered the space,and the conquest represents a visible proof of our nation's strength and prosperity.

The advances of our space technology will be of great benefit to us in the long run.Thanks to communications satellites,we can see television pictures transmitted live half-way across the globe.




If he had come yesterday,I should / would have told him about it.如果他昨天来的话,我会把这件事告诉他的


Aviation rocket, also known as aviation rocket, consists of fuze, warhead, rocket engine and stabilizing device, etc.

It is a guided or unguided rocket weapon which is launched by carrier aircraft in the air and attacks targets in the air or on the ground or on the sea surface.

It is mainly launched from the launcher hanging under the fuselage or wing. Generally, the projectile body is relatively small and the launcher is streamlined.

The range of an aviation rocket is generally 7 ~ 10 kilometers, and the maximum speed is m2 ~ 3. According to the purpose, it can be divided into air-to-air rockets, air-to-ground rockets and air-to-air rockets.


London is famous for its smog and has the reputation of being a foggy city.


Thewnterholidaywasstarted.Iwantedtospendahappywinterholiday.ItwasJanuary28evening.ItwasnearlySpringFestival.  IwasveryhappybecauseIsawalovelysnowman.Irundownstairsquecklyandmakeasnowmanwithmyparents,too.Ithas10minutessinceImakethesnowman.Thesnowmanwassmallbutlovely.Iwantedtomakeabiggersnowmanthanthisagain.Ha-ha,itwasn'tasnowman.  Itwasanogre.Ha-ha,itwasuglybutmadeone'shappy.It's20dayssinsethewinterholidaybegan.Itisgoingtostarttogotoschoolagain.Thewinterholidayistoohappy!


Hot pot is a Chinese tasteful folk dish. No matter in the north or in the south, people like hot pot very much and every region has its local features.火锅是我国的民间美食,不管是北方还是南方,人们都爱吃火锅,而每个地方的火锅也有自身的地域特

It is extremely popular in winter because it can keep the dishes warm all the time. And the atmosphere is hot, too. Friends or relatives sit down together to have a feast. It’s a good way to relax.火锅在冬天大受欢迎是因为它能一直保持热度,并且吃火锅的气氛很热烈,亲人朋友团座一桌,享受大餐,这是一种很放松的就餐方式。


A larva metamorphoses into a chrysalis and then into a butterfly .


2. A caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly .


4. The butterfly fluttered from leaf to leaf.


5. A butterfly disported itself among the flowers.



I like mopping the floor. It's a good way to relax for me.


Business flourishes岁岁平安 Peace all year round一路顺风

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