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作者:Anita 发布时间: 2023-02-22 17:43:41

简介:】Luo Yang's life is the life of the contribution to the aviation industry. He has dedicated 30 years of his spirits and wisdoms to the aviation industry of our

Luo Yang's life is the life of the contribution to the aviation industry. He has dedicated 30 years of his spirits and wisdoms to the aviation industry of our motherland, with action to practice the great purposes of the aviation industry, until the last moment of life.

英语翻译 『钱学人,浙江杭州人,出生地:上海,著名科学家、物理学家、火箭专家,1934年毕业于交通大学机械工程系,1938年获博士学位』

'Qian Xueren, Zhejiang native of Hangzhou, place of birth: Shanghai, the renowned scientist, the physicist, the rocket expert, in 1934 graduated from the Jiaotong University mechanical engineering department, in 1938 obtained the doctorate'

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