【简介:】The frisbee was found by college students unintentionally. It was foud in the 50's in 20th century. When the students were eating pancakes, they threw the dishe
The frisbee was found by college students unintentionally. It was foud in the 50's in 20th century. When the students were eating pancakes, they threw the dishes after they finished eating. Gradually the dish they threw developed into the frisbee.
飞盘,实际上是美国康涅迪克州的馅饼商和一个南加州的飞碟爱好者共同的杰作。 1870年,William Frisbie的苹果馅饼在康涅狄克州相当知名,尤其他们总将馅饼放在一个标有家族名字的锡盘上。附近耶鲁大学的学生们很喜欢吃William Frisbie的馅饼,而渐渐的,他们发现互相投掷空馅饼盘也同样的有趣。他们在订购馅饼的同时找到了两种乐趣:吃和玩。
与此同时,南加州的Walter Frederick是个狂热的飞碟迷。他致力于设计一种飞碟形玩具。Wham-o 公司买下了Frederick的构思并且于1957年推出了这一“飞碟”玩具。在一个偶然的机会里,公司总裁Richard Knerr去东部的途中,发现当地的学生互相投掷Frisbie馅饼盘子取乐。他从中获得了灵感,于是,飞盘,这个道地的美国游戏,就这么诞生了。
The frisbee is college students invention
Frisbee as a toy and it was the invention of a group of College Students
Frisbee as a toy and it was the invention of a group of College Students